Tuesday, April 1, 2008

asian movie remakes are the new black

i haven't written in a while, but i thought this would be worthy of writing blogging.

remember back in like 2002 when 'My Sassy Girl' was a big hit? everyone and their mothers were watching this moving and falling into a trap of hopeless romanticism. well...i guess American screenwriters' ideas have come to a complete standstill and they had to jack yet ANOTHER asian movie idea.

The Ring
The Eye
The Departed

all of these asian classics that start with the article 'The' were remade and shown on American silver screens. well here's another one....

i don't think it's ever gonna stop. you know what this means? asian films > american films HANDS DOWN!

it really disgusts me how the trailer parallels all of the keynote scenes that stick in minds of those who have seen the Korean version of 'My Sassy Girl'. so....who wants to see this? haha

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