Tuesday, October 23, 2007

tuesday morning gmail jibber

so for all of you who don't know... my high school friends and I have a G-Mail thread that we all participate in to emancipate us from the grips of corporate hell while at work (needless to say, save us from insanity). this morning's conversation took a turn for the sexually frustrated and kinky. it all started with wanting to set up a dinner for tonight....

Jevon: wait so does that mean dinner is canceled?
Scott: not necessarily...you guys could still go!
Steven: if i'm not going, then there really is no necessity for any of you to go out to dinner.
Scott: word up.
Jevon: two words for u scott...first one rhymes with suck. second one rhymes with up.
Scott: why would i have to suck up to bra? i already have him sucking my dick. hahaha! jk bra...jk...
Claire: I miss you guys so much...and gosh boys you guys are sooo immature... always about dicks and pussies!
Jevon: i miss claire's p*ssy
Jevon: ooo silly mr. beaver...
Scott: damn jev...you and your muffburgers
Claire: LoL ... soooo ridiculous
Steven: i dont suck your dick, i just eat your muffin top :P
Claire: Very disturbing!!! you guys should stop there
Scott: wait a minute..i dont have a muffin top..i have a cupcake!
Jevon: wait that describes the same type tho doesnt it? or am i picturing it wrong.
Jevon: the other type could be called a bacon wrapped hotdog.
Steven: jevon! how'd u know it taste like bacon?? and i apologize, i meant, cupcake top w/ cream cheese frosting. yummy
Scott: well i dunno..but all i know is that i prefer cupcakes over muffins period. lol
Jevon: remember that one time u passed out in the apt and woke up naked? ya...
Kelly: did someone say sprinkles?!
Kelly: I had Scott's sprinkles las night..
Scott: you were really good w/ my sprinkles....i hope you enjoyed my sprinkles as much as i enjoyed your pinkberry
Steven: II_i two in the pinkberry, one in the stinkberry!
Kelly: yeah, my pinkberry feels raw for some reason. you need more practice on handling pinkberrys scott
Scott: sorry ill work that stinker better next time kel ;)
Kelly: i can't wait!

sooooooo.....now all of you should be inundated with disgust!! way to go Krew!

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